Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Ropes Course Training!

What a wonderful Memorial Weekend!  Everyone was off doing their own thing, whether it was going up North for rest and relaxation or heading South for the Indy 500 (which ROCKED by the way).  We came back refreshed and ready to go!

Tomorrow is our annual training for the Harriet Dooge Adventure Course.  I love the training - I love the different knots.  I have a super figure eight hanging on my coat rack right now.  Jalisa is already challenging everyone to a contest to see who can tie one behind their back the fastest.

I'll leave you with a picture of the view I had at the race track.  Those cars go so fast!

Happy Camping!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Schools, schedules and Camp Store goodies

What a great week it has been, and it's not even Friday yet!  The Ridge Runner team celebrated their victory with a lunch at Northern Trails on Tuesday, (and on a side note, I won first place at Trivia Night at a local restaurant), yesterday the MRWA held a water workshop for 3rd graders in Twin Lake and had gorgeous weather, and today Jalisa and I will be heading to Big Rapids for our last school teambuilding session.

Jalisa has been working her butt off completing the schedules for all the pre-resident camp groups that are coming to camp this year.  She's also been working on the staff shirt for the summer, and ordering some sweet merchandise for the camp store.  Spoilers - the popular sunglasses from last year may make a reappearance, and there may be a shirt featuring a long-standing camp end-of-mealtime tradition.  I don't want to give away too much - Jalisa is ordering today!

ALERT:  We are still looking for Day Camp Staff!  If you know of ANYONE who is hunting for summer work (and likes the outdoors and kids) send them our way!

I'll leave you with a picture I've been a little obsessed with the past couple days.  It's good for a giggle.

Happy Camping!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Prom 2012

Summer is coming!  It's already the middle of May, and we are getting excited for everything to start.
But in the meantime we've had some awesome stuff keeping us busy here - for example, Camp Newaygo had its first ever prom!  Here is a picture of the lodge:

Jalisa was in New York last weekend - check out some great photos on our Facebook page. We have more fantastic programs planned for the coming weeks, and then our staff will arrive for training!  See everyone soon!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Bowling is hard for tall people.

Team Ridge Runners rocked Bowlapalooza last Friday!  We won the team fundraising challenge with over $1000 raised - thank you Joe and Jane, our top contributors!  I made some sweet shirts for the team with a secret quote at the hem, and team numbers for everyone.  Jane joked that her "1" was for the number of pins she knocks over.  We all got strikes at one point or another, so I count the day a success!

This weekend is our Fashion Fling, and I am so excited.  The Elizabeth Halsey Boutique is so trendy, and Dawn donated some brilliant artwork for the silent auction.  Check these out:

Great, huh?  Come out to Camp on Sunday at 1pm, it's going to be fantastic!