Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Caption Contest Winner

And the winner of the caption contest is:

"This is pretty good, considering I've had it in my backpack for 3 hours."

And runner up:  "My pre-breakfast snack - better than yoga!"

Happy Camping!

Adventures in Holiday Cheer

Does anyone have these as a Holiday tradition?
As kids my brother and I would always fight over whose turn it was to eat the candy.  Now that I have my own place, my mom still makes sure we have one of these to count down the days until the 25th.  Well...this year I forgot about mine until last night, and I had to eat 17 pieces of chocolate to catch up.

The things we do for tradition.

Anyone else have any unique holiday family traditions?  Let me know in the comments!

Happy Camping!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

You Know You're a Camper When...

10. You can name at least three brands of hiking/water shoes.
9. The number of bug bites on your body is a source of competition and/or pride.
8. You can recognize the smell of bugspray combined with sunscreen.
7. "Arts and Crafts" automatically brings up the thought of friendship bracelets.
6. You know that GORP is not a disease or texting acronym.
5. You have ever bragged about going to the bathroom in the woods.
4. Taking a dip in a lake or river counts as a shower.
3. You have ever told (or have been told by) someone that "it's not ash, it's seasoning."
2. Living with no technology or electricity for a week or more doesn't faze you.

And the number one way you know you're a camper is when:

1.  This is your idea of a little slice of heaven.
(Additional campers optional - it's up to you.)
Happy Camping!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

It's 12-12-12!

Today is a very special day!  Did you do anything to make today unique?  (Back in 1999, I did jumpings jacks for the last minute of the twentieth century.  How is that for unique?)  Today, Jane got everyone in the office scratch cards and I won two dollars.   And at lunch I got an email from someone at 12:12 pm. 

If you haven't done anything to make today memorable, you still have time!

Happy Camping!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Hoping for snow

I miss this.

This photo was taken last year during the Krop for Kids event, which was in November.  Hopefully the snow will come before Santa does this year!